Bring your filled water balloons or water guns and your picnic lunch and drink. We're going to have some organized games as well as free play! For more information email
Anyone else miss their calling of being a professional singer?!! Signs would be singing loudly in the shower, randomly bursting into song when a certain word or phrase is spoken, or grabbing a spatula or whisk in the kitchen to sing along to music being played! If this describes you, please join us for Karaoke […]
We are heading to Water World! If you haven't been to this amazing waterpark, you will LOVE IT!!! This is being organized as a TEEN EVENT, however, FAMILIES are totally welcome! For more information email
We are going to Free Day at Denver Botanical Gardens on Tuesday, August 16th. I reserved 15 tickets for 10am. You can go online to reserve your own if you want or meet us at 10am. Here is the address: 1007 York Street Denver, CO 80206. Pack a lunch.
Let's meet up for some good ole kickball and have popsicles as a treat! Wear shoes to run in and your picnic lunch with a drink. We'll have the popsicles! For more information email
Only for ages 8 and under, plus their grown-up. Kids have an opportunity to skate and participate in lots of on-ice activities! $4-parent/kid ($3 additional for siblings). For more information email
Who else had so much fun camping together in June? Or maybe you missed it and want to join us next time!? Save the date! We're trying to pinpoint an area to go that we can be all close together and near water! For more information email
Come together in prayer over our home education, our hearts, and our families. Let's lean on the Lord to guide us! For more information email